Well, that's it then. Slowly piloting toward Southhampton early Monday morning, July 28th, 2008. New country, new wife, new life. Always good to leave the comfort zone and Edmonds was extremely comfortable for us. The whole family was embraced by my hometown: the Edmonds business community, Holy Rosary Church, the Montessori Mothers, my drinking buddies and especially the Daphnes crowd--hard to imagine finding those characters again.
What we did find however, with the exception of our best friends in Bellingham, those friends with whom we enjoyed long distance relationships while we were in New York were not necessarily the ones we became reacquainted with when we arrived in Edmonds. We found that it is not always easy to arrive in a new place--hometown or not--and fit in perfectly with friends and family who already have established local lives. If Ireland works out half as well as Edmonds, we will be thrilled. Instead of arriving by circumstance of death, this time we made a conscious choice to move--albeit a decision made in little over a month. Can we get that new bar open? Will CW figure out how to fit in with her family's established routine let alone add me and the dreadful creatures? Are we going to enjoy Ireland as much as Edmonds if we don't open a business? And most importantly, can I get that pedicab driver job and are there Polar Bears in Cork? Don't worry though--we won't get too comfortable. I have already put the following moves on the table once we start enjoying Ireland: Lisbon, Paris, Rome, Kathmandu and even our beloved Manhattan. Stay tuned and I will report next from Ireland--God willing. Time to disembark--that's Queen Mary 2 speak for get the hell off the boat!