in Dublin. This is getting scarey--My sister-in-law and partner (parents of two daughters ages 9 and 11 here in Cork) insisted CW and myself go to Dublin for the night wtihout the Dreadful Creatures--our very very first "complete" night away from the Younger Dreadful Creature YDC (I mean we have stayed out until 4 am but that's in town). So CW and I hopped a train to Dublin (3 hour ride north) and checked into the Trinity Capital Hotel near of course Trinity College (picked up application for ODC--cheaper than Harvard with all that Irish socialism.) A few arrival drinks in the hotel bar, a decent dinner at Balzac, and then off to a Dermot Bolger play about the notorious Dublin slum of Ballymun-- "The Mun"! Where was the play performed? In Ballymun in what appears to be a experiment involving poverty, crime and the arts. As an added treat, our dear friend Mick Judd was one of the actors in the play (Irish fellow who returned to Dublin in 2001 after ten plus years in New York). The play was a great social history of Ballymun and afterward we had a drink with cast and director--CW was an actor in Ireland and NYC for many years so she was in her element--and I of course acted up and made particularly insightful critiques about the performance that I am sure were well received by the cast members. Mick dropped us off at hotel and I drug CW to Kehoe's--a traditional Dublin pub that had fantastic Guinness and happened to stay open an hour past the usual 11:30 pm official pub closing time--great last night, not so great this morning! Walked around Dublin, met Mick for lunch, quick pint at the International Bar, and back on train to Cork, home by 7 pm. Picked up creatures! Not bad for 24 hours plus--eat your heart out Jack Bauer! That's the hotel's Do Not Disturb Sign which I "borrowed".