Saturday, August 1, 2009
My hometown on the Cutting Edge!
Friday, July 31, 2009
Welcome Home!
Thursday, July 30, 2009
5:33 a.m. New York City, July 30th, 2009
by E. B. White
"There are roughly three New Yorks. There is, first, the New York of the man or woman who was born there, who takes the city for granted and accepts its size, its turbulence as natural and inevitable. Second, there is the New York of the commuter=-the city that is devoured by locusts each day and spat out each night. Third, there is New York of the person who was born somewhere else and came to New York in quest of something. Of these trembling cities the greatest is the last-the city of final destination, the city that is a goal. It is this third city that accounts for New York's high strung disposition, its poetical deportment, its dedication to the arts, and its incomparable achievements. Commuters give the city its tidal restlessness, natives give it solidity and continuity, but the settlers give it passion. And whether it is a farmer arriving from a small town in Mississippi to escape the indignity of being observed by her neighbors, or a boy arriving from the Corn Belt with manuscript in his suitcase and a pain in his heart, it makes no difference:each embraces New York with the intense excitement of first love, each absorbs New York with the fresh yes of an adventurer, each generates heat and light to dwarf the Consolidated Edison Company...
The city, for the first time in its long history, is destructible. A single flight of planes no bigger than a wedge of geese can quickly end this island of fantasy, burn the towers, crumble the bridges, turn the underground passages into lethal chambers, cremate the millions. The imitation of mortality is part of New York now; in the sounds of jets overhead, in the black headlines of the latest editions.
All dwellers in cities must live with the stubborn fact of annihilation; in New York the fact is somewhat more concentrated because of the concentration of the city itself, and because, of all targets, New York has a certain clear priority. In the mind of whatever perverted dreamer might loose the lightning, New York must hold a steady, irresistible charm".
The next adventure begins...
Sunday, July 26, 2009
QM2, Atlantic Ocean, Sunday, Juy 26th, 2009 10:14 am.
Paul Theroux, 'Ghost Train to the Eastern Star'
Churning through rough seas and gale winds in the Atlantic on the 'Mary. We have suspended reality for a few days as we transition from a 'soft' year in Cork to one in the States that could involve one or two new businesses and the possibility of moving a third. We shall enjoy our voyage and prepare ourselves for the hard slap in the face known as New York City in a few days.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
9:42 p.m. July 22 2009 Cork City Ireland
It's true that you can't run awy from yourself. But we were right: You can run away."
"Paris to the Moon", Adam Gopnik
Out of here...
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Wrapping things up...
One of ODC and my favorite Cork activities was to take the double-decker tour bus around Cork City, get off at the old Cork Jail, take the tour, and then walk to the local pub for peanuts and fantas (and maybe an occasional pint). The other day we took her Irish cousins, life-long Cork City residents...
Friday, July 17, 2009
Inspiring art work...
It's raining...
One final Getaway in "Ireland"
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Our bags are packed, we're ready to go...
1. My In-laws (Graciousness that defies description)
2. Weather (Irish people say we hit an unusual year; I think they just like something to complain about)
3. Drinking Culture (Stopping at your local for a pint is customary and considered good form)
4. Cork English Food Market (Better than Seattle's Pike Place and New York's Union Square Farmer's Market)
5. Furnished Apartments (If only we could get those crayon marks off the settee...)
6. Cork Airport (So overbuilt during the Celtic Tiger Years that it is laughable but so easy and convenient)
7. Irish Bureaucracy (77000 yes thousand Irish Civil Servants added in the last ten years and they want to preserve their jobs err help you.
8. Access to Europe: Quick, Easy, Cheap
9. Irish Radio (None of that "play to the demographic b.s., actually good music and thought provoking chat)\
10.Rural Pubs (Patrons standing at the end of the evening for the National Anthem warms the heart almost as well as a pint of Guinness or Murphys or Beamish)
All right it hasn't all been rosey (but the positive far outweighs the negative)--
1. Expensive (Paris a bargain compared? Damn straight!)
2. Drivers (Aggressive and not good; still think they are on country lanes)
3. Bar Aesthetics (The one Cork Publican with any sense of style has the market sewn up with his several cool establishments)
4. Lack of variety in Food and Drink Options (French Bistro anyone?)
5. Barriers to opening a bar (Strong Publican lobby keeps the License Fees sky high but they have been falling)
6. Parochial Thinking (I guess no surprise here given the derivative of the word)
7. Law Enforcement (It's not the Garda, it's the politicians that have given them no power to go after RICO Investigations and Public Corruption--oh, I guess there isn't any...)
8. Politicians (Father, then son, then his son, then his son--in-breeding at its finest)
9. Gurriers (Cork Hooligan Punks who are more obnoxious than threatening with their bad haircuts and blond highlights)
10. Newspapers (Even though they thoughtfully published pictures of both my Dreadful Creatures, nothing like the Gray Old Lady)
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Sweet Dreams...
Is CW seeing Rick Steves behind my back?
Dutch Pop...
Time for an upgrade...
Monday, July 6, 2009
The Plassy has crashee..
Spa Day for a six-year old...
Rough seas and a visit to the Irish-speaking Aran Islands...
Friday, June 26, 2009
No more pencils...
No more books, No more teachers dirty looks! School is out for the summer! Well, if the photo I snapped on Kate's first day of school this past September says, "Phew, those nuns were a bit rough", today's photo probably says, "Yeah, Sister, I got your lot figured out--I read the Ryan report!" Today is a wrap on St. Maries of the Isle, a school we are going to miss much more than we would have imagined last September. Just lovely teachers and staff, more cultural diversity than the 7 train to Queens, and an Administration that says nary a word about Kate's "travel habits" as she missed a fair amount of days this year learning life lessons on the road with her vagabond parents. Off to celebrate in County Clare to a lovely cottage that our Kansas City cousins have graciously given us for the week!

Saturday, June 13, 2009
No Italian Required!
Rome, Italy Midnight, Friday June 5, 2009
Caught the morning train to Venice and a slight travel odyssey began. A 4 1/2 hour train journey became 6 1/2 hours with track electrical problems, arrival in Venice was a mass of tourists and poorly labeled water taxis (Don't these people speak English?). After several false starts, we arrive at Punta Sabboni, a short vaporetto ride away from Venice. Boarded the local bus and confidently using our Rick Steves bad Italian asked the driver to drop us off at our holiday camp, Ca' Savio. About twenty minutes into the journey we begin to get an uneasy feeling and sure enough we passed the camp about five minutes after the bus journey started. Off the bus, darkness is falling, the suitcase rollers are broken, the DCs have lost the plot, and numerous promises to the ODC about what we will buy her if she just keeps walking (Turns out a 42 Euro stuffed Cheetah at Termini Station in Rome--ouch!). 60 minutes later we arrive and are kindly given a golf cart ride to our bungalow on a sprawling campground/resort complex. Lodging is great but Italians do not provide sheets (nor toilet paper). No worries, Italians do have incredible campground cafes and by midnight we are eating pizza and gelato with the DCs in a repeat of our previous night in Rome--and a few bottles of 2 Euro wine as well. The next four days involve croissants, espressos, wine, pools, water slides, children's late night discos, pizza, pizza etc.. (oh, did I mention pizza) --the Italians do know how to camp--my memories of childhood camping at Lake Wenatchee see like distant bad memories. The "adults" plans to take turns visiting Venice soon evaporate into a lazy Italian camping week. On to Milan for two days for a restaurant show (basically ham and cheese) but great city and subway system. Then the night train from Milan to Rome--morning delivery of 4 croissants, 4 espressos, and 4 Italian newspapers by a grumpy Woody Allen look-a-like conductor--they start the caffeine habit early here. A day of sights in Rome and then home last night--ice cream and pizza at midnight again--this time in Cork.
Well, I should say three of us are home. We left CW at the Rome Airport last night--she flew on to Barcelona to meet her sisters and mom for an 80th birthday cruise on the Med. She's gone for ten days and I am babysitting her kids--so wrong, so very wrong...
And yet more rugby...
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Ronaldo? Messi?
Friday, May 22, 2009
Another successful St. Patrick's Day...
Suffer the Children...
The Irish Child Abuse Commission's report came out today ( and as expected the findings of "savage and institutional abuse at the hands of religious orders" have sickened and saddened this nation of Catholics. On the brighter side, these "secret" photos from the Dreadful Creatures respective schools appear to show things have lightened up somewhat:
1) That's YDC getting a few lashes from the Headmaster for sitting in a square position during "Circle Time"
2) That's ODC in Overnight Detention for wearing her i-pod in class.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
I read the news today oh boy....
Twenty-twenty-twenty fours hour to go, I wanna be....
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Steppin Out
Yes, that's Dado (Irish for Grandfather and my father-in-law) in his ball cap (no one in Ireland appears to wear traditional caps anymore except our son whose caps we have to buy in the States because they don't sell them here) on the last day of his 80th Birthday Party. It was somewhat like what I imagine an Irish wake to be like--except Dado was still very much alive--Myself, CW, and the Dreadful Creatures arrived in Knocktopher, County Kilkenny after a two hour drive from Cork City. The rain was pouring, the wind was howling, and CW and her brother began to put up our tent--Dado's house is quite small (and CW's sister had pretty much taken the one guest room==can't wait until that will is adjudicated) I did the right thing and retired to the local pub--I like hotels and I like camping--I don't like the in-between white-trash backyard version in my father-in-law's backyard. I proceed to tell my local Publican, Eamom, my circumstances and he happens to mention gale force wind forecasts and an apartment above the pub that he doesn't rent, but..if I'm (we're???) stuck, feel free to ask. Oh, I ask, and then I ask the rate--his answer, "Well. I wouldn't be robbing yeh"--I figure that's about 50-100 Euro a night. I call CW with the news and I get lucky--at this point the wind has bent the tent stakes and she's ready to move a few miles up the road. The next few days involve alot of party prep (Was it so wrong to ask if the estranged sister was splitting the costs with us--of course now it seems like a bad idea but...) Most importantly, at the end of every night, I get to put my kids to bed and wander downstairs with CW to the pub for a nightcap(s)--and, the band plays the Irish national anthem at the end of the night for which everyone is required to stand. (Old School). Dados 80th birthday party went on until 7 am the next morning. I begged out with the two dreadful creatures fairly early and CW joined us a few hours later. God Bless Dado--he had the CW's mother show up as a surprise (Dado hadn't spoken to his ex in 15 years) as well as an estranged daughter with her family (She and Dado hadn't spoken in ten years) Lots of tears, hugs, and all that family s#4%! And I got to watch from afar. The photo is of Dado, his ex, his kids and grandkids! The three outlaws (including myself) are off in the distance happily drinking and murmuring luckily our families aren't so f'd up!
Sunday, May 3, 2009
"Today is my Birthday...
Gonna have a good time!" The Older Dreadful Creature turned older today--all of 6 and we had the non-traditional Irish Birthday Party--sunshine all around. Current Wife's family provided the presents, the cake, the food and drink (the traditional Irish part). Great time all around. Cake by Christina Favier, candles by Kate!
"I ain't missing you at all!"
What's wrong with this picture?
Well, that's the British Airlines check-in counter less than two hours before my scheduled flight on Thursday--this flight is very empty or as I came to find out, had already left. Two hours later of "nice" conversation with British Airlines, I am heading back to Seattle with a British Air-financed night/day of the White Horse Tavern, the Ace Hotel, and Matt's on the Market. They have re-booked me the following day and I will still make the ODC's birthday party!
"I'm Pregnant!"
No, the other two words that a father never wants to hear from his daughter, "American Girl". On my way out of Edmonds the other day, Teri of Teri's Toy Box generously provided with me this doll so I will arrive home a hero in Ireland for my soon-to-be six-year-old's birthday party on Sunday (May 3rd). I have however scouted out the flagship American Girl store in Manhattan with our impending move back to New York--49th and 5th--to avoid any misunderstandings and a chance spotting by the six-year-old, we'll take 48th Street thank you very much!
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
'Sitting in this airplane station...
ticket for my destination. Homeward bound. Not. Oh, the joy of changing tickets and boarding that flight to Shannon or Dublin and calling it a day. But Seattle beckons where a few more meetings await. My travel is approaching the level of my days with the "Government" and they start playing the theme from Cheers when I walk into the JFK Terminal 5 Bar. Oh well, all on behalf of the family. While I have nothing on paper yet, I am getting closer and closer to sealing at least one of these potential bar deals--please hurry, my liver is getting impatient for some rest!
Shady Park, Long Island City, New York 4:42 p.m. April 27
Though we are still talking through the various options, the neighborhood of L.I.C. remains our most likely destination upon our return to New York in August. Although we no longer own a bar in the neighborhood, it's a manageable walk to Greenpoint, the train (subway) is 4 minutes to Grand Central Station (and the rest of Manhattan), and it has several parks like this one where you can basically leave your kid by yelling, "Hey, I'm leaving my kid". L.I.C. also has the preschool, Little Ones, that Older Dreadful Creature (ODC) attended--that makes YDC a legacy so in spite of his deficiencies, they have to take him! It's a neighborhood where we have no chance of being anonymous which is one of our few trepidations about returning.
Monday, April 27, 2009
Central Park New York April 24th 1:57 p.m
"Come, my Friends, 'Tis not too late to seek a newer world. Push off, and sitting well in order smite the sounding furrows; for my purpose holds to sail beyond the sunset, and the baths of the western stars until I die. It may be the gulfs will wash us down: It may be we shall touch the Happy Isles."
My dear friend, New York City resident and world traveler, Bill Wormington, reached a final resting place this weekend when we spread his ashes among the cherry trees in Central Park.
Friday, April 17, 2009
Day 'Trippin
1. That's the Dreadful Creatures enjoying 100 Euro Room Service and the million dollar view (of Cartoon Network).
2 The big white building in the distance is our seaside hotel, the Cliff House, in Ardmore, County Waterford
Kate is on her second week of school holiday, I leave for the 'States tomorrow, so yesterday we decided to head to the beach for the "day" for a change in scenery. Nine years ago CW and I had splendid overnight in the seaside town of Ardmore in County Waterford. We were on our way from CW's father's to CW's mother's and I decided I should have some down time. The tiny town of Ardmore (pop. 415) met my requirements: local PUB, bistro with non-Irish undercooked food, beach, cheap B and B and the best chips I have had to date: served piping hot, in a plain brown bag with lots of salt, steps from the beach. We thought (9 years later): our kids will like this! The drive from Cork City: 52 minutes--perfect! Found a beach with a playground, bought a picnic lunch at local shop, did a "scare-rafying" windy cliff walk, and then decided too far to drive back to Cork, must stay the night. Checked out all cheap accommodation and found they were still closed for the season. Then checked out only open hotel in Ardmore: the 5 star Cliff House. CW and I decided we would stay if we came within 5 Euros of guessing the price--we both came in at 170 Euros per night. I went in (left CW and Dreadful Creatures in car) and inquired. Pleasant plump (PP) girl quoted me a rate of 170 Euros (spot on) and then I f***ed up and mentioned we had children in tow. She then said an extra rollaway bed would be an additional 70 Euro (which by no rationale put this place out of our price range). Asked if we could forego extra bed and save 70 Euros, PP said she would have to check. Went back to car, told CW story, and she went in. Unbeknownst to me, she dealt with Skinny Minny Mean Girl (SMMG) who said extra bed was mandatory (as well as 70 Euro charge) and then told CW that "did she mind, she had guests to check in". CW came back out, gave me details, and we decided that 52 minute drive back to Cork was a bit too much for us to handle. I went back in to hotel, asked SMMG if they had any rooms, she said, "Two adults?", I said "Yes", and she said, "Lovely, 170 Euros". At that moment, PP came up and said, "Oh, you will be needing the extra bed", SMMG said, "No just two adults". I looked at PP, She looked at me, didn't say anything, and I guiltily took my "unofficial" discount. To celebrate our good fortune, I took the family to the local pub and we celebrated with two pints and two Fantas. Back to 5 Star Cliff House, I went in, got key, and CW and children went up via side stairs. Usual hotel arrival ritual: CW bathes Dreadful Creatures, I retire to bar to source out scene--pretty well-groomed crowd (Is that Bono and his son?). Two 6 Euro pints of Carlsberg, back to room, and order room service. I decide that we should do a family movie and order "Role Models" on Pay-per-View. Uh, not so appropriate, DCs fall asleep, and CW and I head to bar (We didn't leave DCs unattended--left my cell phone on in room and took CW's phone to bar-if Cartoon Network was replaced by screams over phone, time to ask for check.) Had a lovely drink, back to sleeping creatures, and home today. Have decided to buy cottage in Ardmore once we quit our 5 Star Hotel habit and have discovered Hotel did not charge us for our 100 Euro Dinner--Strangely enough, we are going to call and report their mistake. Go figure! Oh, that would be the door-hey, it's my last night in town--of course we have a babysitter!
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