Several months ago, I went to pick up our rental car for the trip to Dado's house in
Killkenny. The car rental space is located on
McCurtain Street on the
northside of the city, across the River Lee, a short hop from city centre. Several doors down from the car rental place, I noticed an empty storefront that used to be a traditional music store: and I thought--that would make a good bar. Which, for those of you who know me, is not such a big deal. I think every space I see would make a good bar and fortunately for all of us other people exist who are able to envision hospitals, parks,
museums...Didn't think of the space again until recently after I had made some inquiries on some other spaces in different neighborhoods. I kept coming back to the space though and finally started asking around the neighborhood who owned it. Turns out the space used to be part of the restaurant next door (the blocked up archway in the photo was the door that connected the spaces), but the owner let some friends use it for a music shop. I called the restaurant a number of times looking for the owner to no avail and was told the space had been rented already. Anyway, finally reached the owner, George, and yes indeed he had committed the space to a take away shop. But, he said to call him in a couple of weeks because his tenant was "messing around" with the lease. A week or so later, when CW was getting her eyes checked (the stability of our relationship is based mostly on her poor eye sight--I've told her I kind of look like Gabriel Byrne if she squints) in the neighborhood, I was "skulking" around the space as I tend to do. Well, lo and behold the door opened and out popped George. I introduced myself and told him I was very interested in the space. Yes, he said, you told me that a week ago on the phone. He did ask, however, what I wanted to do with the space and I said wine bar. Hmmm, said George, give me a call Monday (it was then Friday) and we'll see where my current tenant is. Monday came around and I went and met George. He told me that the take-away guy still wanted the shop but George's wife liked the idea of a wine bar in the space (leave it to the women!) Anyway, I then gave George a package of photos and reviews of our New York and Edmonds bars as well as an Irish attorney and an Irish accountant who "represented" "my company" (I got their names out of the phone book and was trying to get an appointment with them). So here we are. No lease signed yet but it looks promising. Are we out of our minds? There are probably 5000 pubs in Cork City and exactly one wine bar (Meade's) Hmmm? The publicans here have a very strong lobby and will do anything to keep the value of pub licenses (okay to serve beer wine spirits without food) extremely high (200,000-400,000 Euro just for the license) However, the whole wine thing is a bit new here so wine licenses are not an issue as publicans see no threat. In order to serve beer with wine however, we would have to serve a "substantial meal", have no bar, and only serve beer with the meal. Screw that! Will a wine bar work in Cork? Not a clue but why not roll the dice. Off to a restaurant show in Dublin this week as well as to check out the wine bar scene there. Did meet with an accountant (good) and attorney (expensive) We have the accountant forming a company just in case we go ahead with this but the attorney stuff I am attempting to do to save money. Also, trying to get up to speed with health and building codes, where to find carpenters (Irish carpenters? really?) plumbers, electricians, etc.., etc... Even if we don't go ahead with this space, the education has been interesting. And, CORK would most likely replace MILAN on the window. More to follow!