This is not
Chucky from the aforementioned movie and I was subject to the wrath of my Dutch friend Sylvia when I suggested as much. Apparently, it's a well-known m
uch-loved Dutch doll from her childhood-oops. And when I staggered up two flights of steep stairs (Dutch go up not out with their houses--right up there with
Bangladesh in per
capita population per area) after drinking strong European beer all night,(Quick bad joke: what do American beer and making love in a canoe have in common? Both f$x@ing next to water) this "doll" was waiting on my pillow. Anyway, more on my last night later. Trip was great. Friday: Walked from our apartment in the pouring rain to the bus stop where I got the 6 a.m. bus to the airport (5 Euro--not bad) My flight to London
Stanstead was 9 Euro but because Ryan Air likes the add on charges I had to check-in at the gate (5 Euro) because no EU passport. Then once through security, things looked quite a bit different than, say Sea-
Tac: Lots of 7 a.m. drinking at the bars. And it's everyone, not just a bunch of louts or hens going away for the weekend--people actually treating travel as something to celebrate--
SeaTac? Beer at 7 a.m.? Sure. Nice smooth 1 hour flight to London--well London
Stanstead, an easy train ride to London Liverpool Station. Took the tube a few stops to Marble Arch and found my hotel (Where my mom and aunt were also staying on their tour). Had a nice wander around the
Grosvenor Square area where I was assigned for a while with that "Government" job--one of my favorite pubs--Red Lion--where I had a drink with thee Tom Jones-- was boarded up--wonder if he still has my boxer shorts I gave him? Anyway,
eventually found my mom and Rose Marie and because we were in London, we went out for Chinese food???? Next day, we went to
Harrod's--wow, I am not much of a shopper but this store is pretty impressive! No wonder Di was gonna hook up with this family. Went to a proper English pub for dinner and then I headed on the train to
Harwich where I boarded the overnight ferry to the Netherlands--very impressive for 51 sterling--my own huge en-suite room, casino,
restaurants, kids areas, cinema--had a bite/drink and then woke up as we were pulling up to Holland. Quick train to Amsterdam and an easy tram to my hotel.
Ahhh, Amsterdam. London left me a bit cold apart from some nice memories of previous visits--but Amsterdam--8 months to 80 years--all on bikes--in sweats and tuxedos and evening dresses.\ Yes, I am a sucker for bike transportation as those of you know who know me know well. Borrowed a bike at my hotel and went riding around--hadn't been to Amsterdam in a few years so took a while to get my bearings. Red Light District: like any good thing, used to be better. Now tour buses fill up the streets and it's a parody of itself. But anyway, I went looking for it just to see its current state. Missed it by a block (how is that possible?) and ended up in Cafe 't
Mandje, a bar founded by one of Amsterdam's first open Lesbians--Bet van
Beeren (1927-2007). Great mixed crowd and loads better than the Red Light District. More biking/drinking next day and then a lunch with mom and Rose Marie. Took the commuter train out 30 minutes to Sylvia (Dutch) and Johns' (Scottish) house--they have two dreadful creatures about
DCs' ages. Have known these two friends ten years plus so a great visit even though Sylvia pointed out that they weren't those hip Dutch people who live in City Centre and put a family of four on a bike. After a great night of
Moroccan food, German beer, and a frightful night with Chucky, I was on my flight back to Cork. All well at home except YDC freaked out at first day of preschool--CW left him anyway. This weekend, I am on my own (payback??) with the DCs as CW is off to Dado's to see some relations. That's it--looking forward to Edmonds. May take one more trip before Edmonds to Littlehampton UK to buy a Dutch bike--21 hour ferry ride home--ouch!!. My new favorite web site: "The Man in Seat 61"--thinking about the train to Casa Blanca in November! And also for anyone interested, I am doing Wainwright's Coast to Coast walk in June, 2009. If you can walk and then drink, this is for you. It's a 190 mile walking pub crawl from sea to sea.