Hi friends--just when I thought I had found a nice quiet spot on the QM2 for a relaxing posting, I am about to be dislodged due an early am Bridge class. But hey, that's the life on board this magnificent ship. So much to tell, and I apologize in advance for the non-chronological posts. We are a little more than half way through our transatlantic voyage and enjoying every minute of it. The free babysitting (9 am to Midnight) by English Nannies is as good as advertised though we usually use it mostly for the evening dining. It's somewhat hysterical and frightening to see some of our fellow European passengers drop off screaming toddlers proclaiming, "You have 'speent' enough time with your Papa, go play!". Yesterday was by far the roughest at sea, and the five-year old was a bit green. The ship was built for 5000, yet full capacity is 2500 so there are plenty of places to get lost and find peace--unless of course you choose the card room early Saturday morning. We have met a number of families who are traveling one way moving from the States to Europe as we are. Our one and half year old has met a Swedish bombshell toddler and seems to be quite enthralled. The five-year old loves the swimming pools and I am having a great time wandering the boat. Well, it's time to move on--Bridge is starting and I do not have a clue how to play. Uh oh, Bridge cancelled due to twelve foot seas! Will try to get a photo of the water later and pray my luck holds out for not getting sea sick!