Yes, it appears we have arrived in Vulgaria with Jemima and Jeremy with a Child Catcher lurking around every corner in Cork City Centre (their spelling, not mine). Our efforts to find housing in City Centre have been stymied and thwarted at every turn by evil real estate agents who outright refuse or reluctantly offer to show us apartments in City Centre because they do not believe we should be raising children without grass, parks, other children, etc...As most of you know, our children have been denied those discretionary items from the day they were born. Today, this discrimination reached a pinnacle when Norma from Absolute Property Management outright refused to let us schedule an appointment with her office if we were intending on living in City Centre with Children. WE SHALL NOT BE DENIED OUR SORDID FILTHY CITY LIVING AND I SHALL FIGHT NO MORE FOREVER--NOT-- or something like Chief Joseph said.
This does not end here now!
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
First Impressions!
Began the day late as we were all a bit wrecked by a long day of travel. Looked at two apartments--small but near ODC's school (Older Dreadful Creature). Two unsolicited remarks that St. Maries is a great school and they were surprised we got her in. Fashion wise, Cork makes Seattle look like Milan--must have been a huge air drop of track suits. The people seem very stern and suspicious but met a bar owner and his family as well as a barista who were quite nice--no one walks around with lattes here--a bit refreshing. Well, it's pouring rain and I am off to walk the city without CW and DCs--and maybe a pint.
Monday, July 28, 2008
Date Line "Still" Southhampton
Getting off the boat went extremely smoothly--so smoothly that we have been at the Southhampton Airport for 5 hours with the dreadful creatures because the one daily flight to Cork does not leave until 4:20 p.m. this afternoon. The dreadful creatures' white sailor suits have colored "airport grey", every possible diversion tried, and this airport is becoming extremely smaller by the minute. CW's mother and sister are meeting us at the airport which means two taxis to CW's sister's loaner apartment. What do you think? Happy Irish family reunion in one and Daddy with the luggage with the other. Well, final leg folks. Assuming we don't have a "Quantas Air" enroute, my next post shall be from jolly old England, I mean Ireland--In Shallah! The photos are posting not so well right now so the one with this one will show the family sprawled all over the airport. Cheers!
Dateline Southhampton
Well, that's it then. Slowly piloting toward Southhampton early Monday morning, July 28th, 2008. New country, new wife, new life. Always good to leave the comfort zone and Edmonds was extremely comfortable for us. The whole family was embraced by my hometown: the Edmonds business community, Holy Rosary Church, the Montessori Mothers, my drinking buddies and especially the Daphnes crowd--hard to imagine finding those characters again.
What we did find however, with the exception of our best friends in Bellingham, those friends with whom we enjoyed long distance relationships while we were in New York were not necessarily the ones we became reacquainted with when we arrived in Edmonds. We found that it is not always easy to arrive in a new place--hometown or not--and fit in perfectly with friends and family who already have established local lives. If Ireland works out half as well as Edmonds, we will be thrilled. Instead of arriving by circumstance of death, this time we made a conscious choice to move--albeit a decision made in little over a month. Can we get that new bar open? Will CW figure out how to fit in with her family's established routine let alone add me and the dreadful creatures? Are we going to enjoy Ireland as much as Edmonds if we don't open a business? And most importantly, can I get that pedicab driver job and are there Polar Bears in Cork? Don't worry though--we won't get too comfortable. I have already put the following moves on the table once we start enjoying Ireland: Lisbon, Paris, Rome, Kathmandu and even our beloved Manhattan. Stay tuned and I will report next from Ireland--God willing. Time to disembark--that's Queen Mary 2 speak for get the hell off the boat!
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Going to the Chapel...
Hello from the Atlantic!
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Hot town Summer in the City!
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Sounder Train Suggestion #39
...but I play one on t.v.
Friday, July 11, 2008
Shotgun Wedding!
Left lane is for passing only!
They're Everywhere!
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Joys of Jet Lag
The anti-Times
Monday, July 7, 2008
Mobile Vasectomy
Hip to Hipper!
Tall house Small House
A tale of two Parks
Front Yard New York Style
Bar Management 101
Good idea Bad Idea?
Sunday Rock and Roll BBQ at L.I.C. Bar
Another "up and coming" Hood
Celebrity with a Price
Don't even think about It!
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Pre-kid Sunday Luxury
5th and Main
Typically Greenpoint
Generally speaking, our neighborhood of Greenpoint, Brooklyn has a hugely diverse population. However, two subsets typically standout: the Polish and the artists. But like most New York neighborhoods on the move, the Polish are cashing in on long-held Brownstones and moving to the Island (Long), and many of the artists are pioneering in other somewhat dodgy neighborhhoods in search of inspiration and cheap rents.
Saturday, July 5, 2008
A room with a view
Ah, Brooklyn, New York-the noise, the filth--we have missed you so as a family. Our daughter spent her first four years in Greenpoint, Brooklyn and is excited to see old friends. The flight from Seattle was fine: great fireworks out the window, the five-year old slept like a baby and the one-year old was a baby--so s-t-b-w and myself are exhausted. Fortunately, we have an apartment over one of our bars and they are all asleep, recovering from jet lag. On a clear day, you can see the Chrysler Building in the distance from the apartment window. The window bars are for child safety and any apartment in New York which has children under ten is supposed to have them. You may recall a well-known rock and roller lost his son of number of years ago out a Manhattan apartment window and then went on to write a number one hit about his grief. n.b. I am now writing on EST.
Guess the Carry-on!
Last Exit to Brooklyn
At the SeaTac Airport kids play area trying to tire out the rugrats before we board our red eye to New York. Had my last drink at Daphnes for a while but I know I have left it in good hands: the regulars. Over the past few weeks, I have had a number of people tell me that Daphnes only works because I am behind the bar. I tend to disagree--Daphnes works because of the regulars and their interaction with the new customers who walk through the door every day. I could be wrong but I don't think so.
Friday, July 4, 2008
Free Beer!
Well, that's what it should have been. As our last gesture to say thanks to Edmonds for all their kindness to us these past two years, we gave out two hundred ice cream cones today. If you ever want to do a human nature experiment, offer something free and see how gracious people are. I argue that even the most baseless drinker has a better sense of proper etiquette than those who don't get out much. Well, anyway, thank you Edmonds--you have been truly lovely to our family. We will miss you and will be back for a visit. Oh, by the way, you better get down to Daphnes-the free beer line for next Fourth of July is starting to form!
Sad Sack!
This is my Dad enjoying a Rainier Beer overlooking the Puget Sound on Sunset Avenue in Edmonds. Well, actually it's my Dad's ashes. One of my last tasks in Edmonds was to deliver the ashes to my step-mother. I have been carrying them around since his funeral this past February--and I have to say, Beck's Funeral Home does not cheap out on their paper bags for remains---this thing has withstood a couple of apartment moves, childrens' explorations, etc... Next summer, I hope to hike to Frosty Pass in the Washington Cascades and leave some of my Dad's ashes. We hiked there when I was ten. He wanted to be there when he passed. Rest easy, Dad, and somewhere I know your listening to Jimmie Dale Gilmore and Lucinda Williams sing, "Reunion".
Independence Day!

Today is our last day in Edmonds. This is truly an Independence Day--we fly to New York City this evening where we will spend the next two and a half weeks before departing for Ireland. The Edmonds Fourth of July celebration is a pure slice of Americana: a parade down Main Street, barbeque in City Park and fireworks at Civic Stadium.
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