Friday, August 29, 2008
Theme music from Jaws
"Attention class. Class attention. Class! Shut up!!!! Thank you.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Let the Beatings begin...
Irish lesson: "Now I'd be deceiving yeh if I'd said yes or no" = I don't know
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Cause like a princess she was lying there, moonlight dancing off her hair..
Soon to be patented, "Hoop the Children"
31 to go...
Be Prepared
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Just another manic Monday...
Irish Lesson: car park = parking lot; lorry = truck
Saturday, August 23, 2008
I think I need a hamburger..
Over the hills and through the woods to Dado's house we go!
Irish lesson # 3: Dado = Grandpa
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Aloha, Bill
"It's not the critic that counts, not the man who points out how the strong man stumbled, or when the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena; whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again; who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions and spends himself in a worthy cause; who at best, knows in the end the triumph of high achievement; and who at worst if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory or defeat."
Theodore Roosevelt
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Catch-22 by Joseph O'Heller
Don't Walk
Can't we all just get along?
A room with a View
Mister Softee
Irish Language Lesson #1: Candy Floss = Cotton Candy. Seems a bit strange how something that rots your teeth contains a dental reference. Also, no twizzlers or anything similar are sold at Irish theaters. The madness continues.
Saturday, August 9, 2008
It's been one week since...
Yes, I am a lame blogger. Getting wireless here for your personal computer is not a simple matter. In addition, CW and I have been having the t.v. or no t.v. debate and that has slowed down things as well. ODC has never had t.v. in her first five years so...Well, a bit to report. I have been officially been granted permission to remain in Ireland for one year and am entitled to work (too bad) and benefits (?). It would have been longer but due to my recent marriage, Irish Immigration will renew my status after a year and give me an additional four years. Still working out what health benefits, etc.. we are entitled to. Since the huge influx of foreigners (me and 50,000 Polish Butchers), the social services have tightened up bit. But hey, it's great seeing the "dark" Irish on the streets in this new world. We did move into an apartment--Apt 3, 12 Dyke Parade, Cork. And this is why I don't allow posts--can you see the multitude of "woman in comfortable shoes walking by" comments I would receive. See, so there. Anyway, the Irish family that has seen it says we got good value (1100 Euro per month ) and it's furnished as are most apartments here. 5 minutes from St. Maries (ODC's school), 8 minutes from Fitzgerald Park (Cork's Central Park or maybe I should say Edmond's City Park), 10 minutes from University College Cork (UCC) Health Club where we get a discount as CW is a graduate (so she says). Am preparing a small picture book of my Irish daily life that will be on view at Daphnes so you can envy my life or most likely appreciate yours even more. Speaking of envy, We will be travelling to Paris for a few day in October before flying to Edmonds/New York the last two weeks in October. Hope to do a couple of guest bartending shifts at Daphnes if allowed. Missing so far? Big, powerful hot showers--taking a shower here is like being drooled on by a passed out drunk. YDC has chosen not to sleep anymore so we are delirious at the moment but all in time. The apartment is decent sized so guests from the States are now officially invited...C'mon, after years of having Irish people who CW supposedly was related to lounging in my apartment, it's time for revenge. Well, I know most of you must get to the Monroe Fair I mean the Taste of Edmonds--is there any difference? I remain your humble reporter.
Saturday, August 2, 2008
The Sweet Sounds of Home...
It's 5:30 a.m. Saturday morning with CW and DCs still fast asleep. I have always preferred baseball on the radio and for $14.95 for the entire year I can listen to any game on my computer. So here I am in Cork listening to San Diego and San Francisco play in extra innings (Mariners were losing 10-0 so I went with the competetive game). This weekend is a "bank holiday" (Monday off) so Irish people can go away for the weekend and be rained on somewhere else. Things are looking up in the living arrangements. We have looked at about eight apartments/houses--one actually with a big backyard--but the place was twenty minutes out of city centre. We placed a deposit on an apartment within a five minute walk of St. Maries of the Isle (ODC's school) Even so, I still had to get a lecture from four agents in the real estate office about raising the DCs in City Centre. Sorry about the lack of photos at the moment. I am afraid of breaking CW's sister's computer so I am waiting until my computer is up and running before I post photos--hopefully late next week. All in all, apart from the whole "anti-city Children" living, the only slight negative in our first few Irish days is a bit of sticker shock with the prices here. We knew the dollar-Euro rate was horrible, but the cost of everything here is bloody awful--six-pack of Coors Light is 10.99 Euro--you do the math, it's too early here. I have found a couple of pubs which I particularly like. One is owned by a fella whose brother owns a bar in Long Island, New York. Speaking of small world, CW has already run into several friends in the street. Not bad for a town of about 120,000. That's it for now. Again, sorry about no photos. I know my writing isn't quite painting vivid colorful pictures of Irish living-well, mostly my writing but also it is quite grey and drab here. Cheers.
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